Friday, July 20, 2007

the valley

This week was a week full of valleys. I spoke to many people this week who are walking through dark times. I listened as quite a few stories unfolded and many tears fell from their eyes. I was shown so much brokenness this week. Broken people will have broken relationships. And the result is often devastating.

It can be overwhelming and emotionally draining even just to sit and listen. Imagine how it is for those who are actually going through these steep valleys of life. Pray for them if you get the chance. God knows who they are and what they need.

I heard a song on the radio today by Mark Schultz. Part of the song goes like this:

"And even though I'm walking through
the valley of the shadow.
I will hold tight to the hand of Him
Whose love will comfort me
And when all hope is gone
And I've been wounded in the battle
He is all the strength that I will ever need
And He will carry me"

These are powerful words for a time like this. These powerful lyrics were inspired by some other powerful words:
Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

So for any and all who have lost hope...for any who have been wounded and have lost their strength. You can trust in a Shepherd who carries his sheep and lean on a Savior who walks with you in the valleys.


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