Wednesday, September 12, 2007

loans that change cities

Kiva is the organization that has the slogan "Loans that change lives." They connect individuals in the States to individuals who are "the working poor" in other countries. They make it possible for someone in the West to give a small microloan to a small business owner who lives on the other side of the world.

If their slogan is "Loans that change lives" then our slogan at FaithWorks Project could rightly be "Loans that change cities." Essentially, FaithWorks Project is going to be Kiva on steroids. Instead of giving one part of one loan to an individual, which then gets paid back to an individual, we are kicking it up a notch. We will be giving hundreds of loans to the global working poor and as those loans get paid back, the money will be used to transform cities here in the U.S., starting with Baltimore.

This is exciting. It's beyond exciting. Our greatest need now is for people to catch the vision. The potential for us to fight poverty in a very real way both globally and locally is astounding. But we can do very little by ourselves. We will need a ground swell of small donors and volunteers. We will also need a collection of large donors who believe in what we are doing and want to contribute substantially to the transformation of our world.

Come and be a part. Go to for more details.


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