Tuesday, February 03, 2004

listening to my friends

I just got back from speaking to some girls in Russell hall. Christy, their chaplain, set up a question/answer panel with me and three other guys. Mostly the questions were about dating, purity, dressing modestly, and guy's general opinion about things.

As I sat up front with Chad, Mark and Jason I noticed something happening. I would add my two cents here and there and add my dollar fifty when needed. But what I noticed was when the other guys were talking. I would just sit there and listen to Mark talk about God's grace vs. the lies of Satan. I would listen to Chad speak honestly about how scared he was of girls. I would listen to Jason warmly speak of Christy and what attracted him to her.

As I listened, a thought continued to enter my mind. It was as if I floated off the table we were sitting on and drifted across the room. And there as a ghost in the back of the room, behind the couches and behind the gathering of girls, I heard this thought. The thought was this, "Wow, these guys have such wisdom. How do they know so much? Where does this wisdom come from?"

And before my out of body experience ended and my soul re-entered my body, I realized that all of the afore mentioned gentlemen were future and present ministers of the gospel. Each one had committed their lives to follow Christ. Each one overflowed with wisdom, not from themselves, but from the source of the Spirit. This well of wisdom had clearly been tapped before. This wasn't the first time the Spirit would speak through them. And I know it won't be the last.

I was in awe of how God was speaking through three semi-normal guys. And God wasn't just speaking truth to those girls in the room. I was impacted by the movement of the Spirit as well. My dry soul found an oasis of living water flowing out of these guys. These guys who are my friends. These guys who I see all the time. These guys who I know their sin and their frailties. Even still, God spoke. Even still, God moved. Amazing.

Father, thanks for friends like these!


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