Thursday, April 12, 2007

I mus-t confess

Don Imus opened his old mouth the other day and let out some offensive comments. He called the Rutgers University women's basketball team, "nappy-headed hos." With this racially charged slur, Imus unleashed a firestorm of media and NAACP backlash. He is reaping what he has sown. When you are in the public eye, choose your words wisely. If we do not keep ourselves in check, the racism or prejudice in all of us will come bubbling out eventually.

What bothers me about this whole thing is the apparent hypocracy in the black community. How many times a year do rap artist put out songs with these same kind of lyrics? But we never hear of the NAACP getting into an uproar about that. We never hear about protest rally's that demand the firing of black rap artists. Oh yeah...the last rapper that I remember getting really hammered by the media was Eminem. Hmmm, I wonder why he got so much attention while others did not? Maybe the NAACP believes these phrases are only offensive if white people say them. Imus' "nappy-headed hos" comment is rather mild compared to some of the language found in the "finest" of our rap songs written by black artists. Is there a double standard emerging here?

This kind of language is demeaning and belittling to women, specifically the African-American women to which they refer. But the truth that is being missed by the media and the black community is that this kind of language is always damaging. It doesn't matter who says it or sings it. It is offensive whether the person saying it is a 90 year old white man or a 21 year old black man. It is offensive if women say it about other women or if men say it about women. All of it demeans. All of it offends. All of it belittles the beautiful creation that is humanity. We are created in the image of God. This kind of language makes us out to be less than we are.

The source of this kind of language is not just found in the hate of white racists or the disrespect of black rappers. The source of any language that belittles God's good creation of humanity is the sinful heart. And this, by the way, can be found in all of us.


At 9:18 AM, Blogger Captain Caveman said...

I could not agree more. I am quite outraged, as you, with the comments issued by Mr. Imus. But you are right when does the double standard end. The likes of the Rev's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (and I say Rev. in the most loose of terms)are tearing our country apart. When does the anti-white mudslinging end. When has a black leader stood up for the real cause and clawed for an end to black on black racism. Other than Bill Cosby (who is appearently a race trader), and Chris Rock (who is not afraid to stand up to anyone and tell them how it is), when has any black celebrity stood up and called for an end to the nonsense. Black america lead by these "Men of the Cloth" should re-examine where they are in this society and look for a way to help heal the wounds that they are inflicting on today. I have quite a few black friends who I would go to the mat for any day of the week. I think both whites and blacks need to come to the table of the Lord and settle this the old fashioned way, with prayer, thanksgiving, and the grace by which only Christ Himself can award us, for He is the one who shed His blood for us on the cross. He must be weeping at the "Right hand of the Father" as His children tear away instead of uniting. We as Christians need to make the first outreach. Let us all put the focus back on the cross and live up to the challenge of Christ by loving our brothers and sisters and serving our Lord and Savior. I really enjoyed your perspective on this issue.


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Thanks for your comment. A few days after writing this post, I saw something encouraging on the news. Instead of Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson trying to lead the way, I saw actual pastors make a statement publically.

There was a group of black pastors and leaders that stepped up in front of the media and admitted that the Imus issue was just the tip of the iceburg. They admitted the need in the black community to finally come to terms with the way R&B and rap music speaks about women.

I was really encouraged to see these leaders move the conversation into the black community rather than just point the finger. I think good things can come of this.

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Captain Caveman said...

That is encouraging. I am glad to see there are folks from the Black community standing up and calling for reform. Good can come of this.


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